星期六, 8月 21, 2010

海綿寶寶- a motto

ㄟ! 海綿寶寶










星期一, 7月 05, 2010

moto milestone

GTalk Service Monitor

  1. Display IMEI:
  2. Voice Dialer Logging Enabled
  3. Voice Dialer Logging Disabled
  4. Phone Setting
  5. FieldTest

星期二, 5月 25, 2010

a motto


(Thomas Jefferson)︰無知和自由兼具者,過去沒有,將來也不可能有

If a Nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be... if we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."

-- Thomas Jefferson

linux note

 Open Office is pretty slow and painful to use out of the box.  This simple step by step procedure speeds up the software, making it much more pleasant to use.

Open OOo (I use writer for this process). Select Tools -> Options. Select Memory.

Number Of Steps: 20
Use for OpenOffice.org: 128
Memory Per Object: 20
Number Of Objects: 20
Enable Quickstarter: Checked

Select Java.
Use a JRE: Checked (Alternately, Uncheck if you do not have Sun Java installed)
Select the radio button of the appropriate Java Engine if needed.

Click OK
Close OOo

Sensor Properties:
Sensor Type    Winbond W83627DHG (ISA 290h)

modprobe w83627ehf force_id=0x8860

ssh -R 2215:localhost:22 icarus@X.X.X.X -N -f sleep 20
ssh edward@localhost -p 2215

mencoder -profile svi -vf scale=480:800,harddup

sysctl vm.max_writeback_pages=8192

VBoxManage   modifyvdi vmxpd.vdi compact

vmware-modconfig -–console -–install-all

mkfs.ext3 -b 4096 -j -E stride=32 -m 1  -O dir_index,filetype  /dev/md15
mkfs.ext4 -b 4096 -j -E stride=64,stripe-width=128 -m 1  -O dir_index,filetype
#Create xfs filesystem with a 64 megabyte log
mkfs.xfs -f -l size=64m /dev/hda3
#Mount filesystem with 8 log buffers, and atime and diratime disabled
mount -o noatime,nodiratime,logbufs=8 /dev/hda3 /mnt/gentoo/

rpmbuild --target=i686-redhat-linux --define 'dist .el5'   --define '_without_speex 1'  --rebuild ffmpeg-0.5-2.rf.src.rpm

find ../ -name "*rar" -print0 | xargs -0 -Iname unrar -o-  x name

mv /usr/lib/vmware/modules/binary /usr/lib/vmware/modules/binary.old
vmware-modconfig -–console -–install-all --validate-kernel-headers --validate-gcc

with 11.2: Found out that ipv6 is no longer a module, it is in the
kernel, so you can administratively disable with a kernel option in
grub's menu.lst of ipv6.disable=1 but individual applications can
still send out v4 and v6 queries. In my case yast2 -> software ->
online update still sends out both, until I find out how to disable.


ALSA Driver
I got a simple solution for this compile problem.
Just open the ”./include/adriver.h” file in a text editor, go to line 100 and do one of the following :
Comment out the typedef : //typedef unsigned int fmode_t;
Change the kernel number : #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 27)
(I've got the 2.6.27-xxxx so this effectively cancels the typedef without breaking compat with older kernels)
No if only I could get this laptop to make some noise … :(


The steps are for VMWare Server 1.0, but may be similar
for other versions of VMWare.  Use at your own risk.
No warranty is expressed or implied.

Some users have reported problems with the Lance (default)
and VMXNet network card drivers with FreeBSD 6.x.  If these
occur, it is recommended to use the E1000 driver in their place.

1. In /etc/rc.conf, change ifconfig_lnc0 to ifconfig_em0
2. Make the same change in /usr/local/etc/conftemplates/rc.conf
3. shutdown -h now
4. (On host) Edit the /FreeBSD.vmx
5. Add a line:
    ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000"
   Just below:
    ethernet0.present = "TRUE"
6. Boot the VM

ffmpeg -f x11grab -s wxga -r 25 -i :0.0 -sameq /tmp/out.mpg

把 Linux 桌面錄製為視頻。


cmake -DQTC_DEFAULT_TO_KDE3=true  -DQT_PLUGINS_DIR=/usr/lib/qt-3.3/plugins -DQTC_BUILD_CONFIG_MODULE=true ..

cmake CMAKE_C_FLAGS=Release COMPILE_FLAGS="-O3 -march=core2 -mtune=core2 -mmmx -msse -msse2"  -DQT_PLUGINS_DIR=/usr/lib/qt-3.3/plugins -DQTC_BUILD_CONFIG_MODULE=true ..

:h motion.txt
:h syntax.txt
:h encoding
:h map.txt
:h tabpage.txt
:tabedit  /etc/hosts

Backup and restore

# dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdc bs=16065b                # Copy disk to disk (same size)
# dd if=/dev/sda7 of /home/root.img bs=4096 conv=notrunc,noerror # Backup /

# dd if /home/root.img of=/dev/sda7 bs=4096 conv=notrunc,noerror # Restore /
# dd bs=1M if=/dev/ad4s3e | gzip -c > ad4s3e.gz                  # Zip the backup
# gunzip -dc ad4s3e.gz | dd of=/dev/ad0s3e bs=1M                 # Restore the zip

# dd bs=1M if=/dev/ad4s3e | gzip | ssh eedcoba@fry 'dd of=ad4s3e.gz' # also remote
# gunzip -dc ad4s3e.gz | ssh eedcoba@host 'dd of=/dev/ad0s3e bs=1M'
# dd if=/dev/ad0 of=/dev/ad2 skip=1 seek=1 bs=4k conv=noerror    # Skip MBR

    # This is necessary if the destination (ad2) is smaller.

守護者 / 守望者 Watchmen


歌名:Hallejujah        原唱:Leonard Cohen

John Cale - Hallelujah Lyrics

I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
It goes like this
The fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah


Your faith was strong, but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you
She tied you
To a kitchen chair
She broke your throne, she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah


Baby I've been here before, I know this room
I've walked this floor
I used to live alone before I knew you
I've seen your flag on the Marble Arch
Love is not a victory march
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah


There was a time you let me know
What's really going on below
But now you never show it to me, do you?
I remember when I moved in you
And the holy dove was moving too
And every breath we drew was Hallelujah


Maybe there's a God above, all I ever learned from love
Was how to shoot at someone who out drew you
And it's not a cry you can hear at night
It's not somebody who's seen the light
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
